Late Fall Garden Planting

Late Fall Garden Planting

It's not too late in many areas of the country for fresh garden harvests!

In Northern states, it’s nearly impossible to grow a garden through the winter months unless you’re lucky enough to have a heated greenhouse space with plenty of accessible natural direct light. Thankfully you can grow several varieties of Seedsheet container gardens with a small area of space and small LED grow light. Check out the light requirements for indoor Seedsheet garden here!

Greens like lettuce, tat soi, and kale are quick to mature and offer access to fresh salads through the darkest season. Herbs like basil, thyme, and chives require minimal space and time to mature, making them the perfect addition to an indoor winter garden. 

Our Seedsheet Mini Gardens are the perfect winter kitchen counter-top accessory (with the assistance of a small grow-light) and are offered in three varieties. The Mini Salad Garden boasts mounds of kale, spinach, and arugula. The Mini Herb Garden grows bunches of fresh sweet basil, dill, and cilantro. Lastly, if you’re a basil-fanatic, the Mini Pesto Garden grows three perfect and distinct basil varieties: traditional sweet basil, purple basil, and cute-as-a-button greek basil.

If your outside gardens from the warmer months are still going strong, brassica’s like kale, broccoli, cauliflower, and chard are all relatively frost-tolerant and can maintain foliage into the colder parts of the year. Kale even turns a bit sweeter with a light frost! 

As soil takes longer to freeze, root vegetables like beets, radishes, and carrots are all great options to harvest as late as possible in the year, giving them ample time to grow big and fat.

In the Mid-Atlantic States through the Plains States, chill-tolerant plants like scallions, purple bunching onions, peas, beans, pumpkins, brassicas, and root veggies are all excellent options to maintain those backyard-fresh meals. Quick-growth varieties like greens are always accessible as well! Create a Custom Seedsheet Garden with any or all of the above varieties, or a Taco Seedsheet Garden with mustard greens, herbs, and fast-maturing radishes. 

Southern and Southwestern States are in their prime for growth-- it’s not too hot, and not too cold! Grow everything from tomatoes and zucchini to flowers and tomatillos. Try a Hot Sauce Seedsheet Garden with kickin’ cayenne peppers, or a Pickle Seedsheet Garden with crisp cucumbers.

Don’t forget that Seedsheet gardening kits make for the perfect holiday gift for your loved ones, neighbors, and colleagues! Our packaged products stay fresh and plantable for two years beyond production, so even if you’re not in the warm and sunny South or if you don’t have space indoors for a winter garden, you can have something to look forward to in the springtime! 

Curious about the perfect time to plant outdoors in your area? Check out our blog on Climate Zones here!

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