How To Thin: Tulsi

How To Thin: Tulsi

To give Tulsi enough room to grow, it requires "thinning" 2 weeks after planting when the seedlings are about an inch tall. These seedlings can be eaten, or planted in another area of fresh soil.


  1. First, water the Seedsheet to saturate the soil and avoid damaging the roots.   
  2. Second, select the healthiest plants and gently pull out the extras with your thumb and pointer finger. 
  3. Thin Tulsi to 2-plants so it has enough room to grow.  
  4. Pat down the soil around the remaining plants. 
  5. Have these as a snack, or garnish your salads! 
  6. Watch the remaining two plants grow large and lush leaves.  






Comments (2)

The Seedsheet Team_

Hi Grace,
The Tulsi variety that we use is called Sacred Basil and we get it from High Mowing Seed company in Wolcott, Vermont. Let us know if you have any other questions.

The Seedsheet Team

Grace Cuff_

What type of Tulsi is in your seed sheet?

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