How To Thin: Ring-o-Fire Cayenne Peppers

How To Thin: Ring-o-Fire Cayenne Peppers

To give Ring-o-Fire Cayenne Peppers enough room to grow, they require "thinning" 2 weeks after planting when the seedlings are about an inch tall. These seedlings cannot be eaten, so you may compost them!


How to thin Ring-O-Fire Cayenne Peppers:

  1. First, water the Seedsheet to saturate the soil and avoid damaging the roots.  
  2. Second, select the healthiest plant and gently pull out the extras with your thumb and pointer finger. 
  3. Thin Ring-O-Fire Cayenne Peppers to 1-plant so it has enough room to grow. 
  4. Pat down the soil around the remaining plant. 
  5. The extra seedlings aren't edible, so you may replant or compost them! 
  6. Watch the remaining pepper plant grow large and lush leaves. 








Comments (2)

The Seedsheet Team_

Hi Lisa,
That would depend on when you planted your sheet. The Cayenne Pepper in the hot sauce sheet can take up to two weeks to germinate, whereas the two carrots and onion only take about a week. It sounds like you planted it fairly recently so I would think that you are probably on the right track. Let us know if you have any other questions.

Stay Saucy!


I barely have one pepper plant just poking up. Is this normal? The other 3 plants look ok.

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