How To Thin: Purple Plum Radishes

How To Thin: Purple Plum Radishes

To give purple plum radishes enough room to grow, they require "thinning" 10 days after planting when the seedlings are about an inch tall. These seedlings can be eaten, or planted in another area of fresh soil.


How to thin Purple Plum Radish:

  1. First, water the Seedsheet to saturate the soil and avoid damaging the roots.  
  2. Second, select the healthiest plants and gently pull out the extras with your thumb and pointer finger. 
  3. Thin Purple Plum Radishes 2-plants so they have enough room to grow. 
  4. Pat down the soil around the remaining plants. 
  5. Have these as a spicy snack, or garnish your salads. 
  6. Watch the remaining two plants grow large and lush leaves. 







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